Cuero Sunshine Mariposa outdoor chair


If you want to lounge outside in style, and if you are tired of moving cushions and covers in and out of a rain storage, this is the chair for you.

If you want to lounge outside in style, and if you are tired of moving cushions and covers in and out of a rain storage, this is the chair for you. It’s probably the only proper outdoor butterfly chair in the World. This beautiful, lightweight BKF has a cover made in the famous Sunbrella fabric that is highly resistant to UV light and rain. The frame has a zinc protection under its coat to protect it from rust.
The days of carrying furniture in and out of storages are over! Just leave it as it is and enjoy your garden or balcony whenever you want.

It’s also important that your garden lounge chair is extra comfortable, so you can sit outside for a long time enjoying great conversations or reading your favourite book. Most butterfly chairs are not comfortable unfortunately, but that’s not the case for our Sunshine Mariposa, which is one of the most comfortable outdoor BKF chairs in the world.

It has taken us more than 15 years to develop this beautiful model. Along the way we have learned the secrets behind perfect aesthetics. If you look at the perfectly rounded edges, and the beautiful shape of the chair, you’ll quickly see that it will fit into any environment, no matter which style you have.

With a double layer of 100% Sunbrella Plus fabric, there is really not much room for improvement here. We have hidden velcro in the ears so that the wind can’t blow the cover away. The frame also has a zinc layer under the coat in order to protect it from rust and the power of the elements.

If you look at the bottom of the cover, you’ll find a hole that drains all rainwater away. This way, no water will accumulate in the cover, making the chair dry faster.
Perfect for your pool, garden, balcony, the spa or any generally wet area.

This chair has all you need and more:

· 100% Sunbrella Plus
· 12 mm Solid Swedish Steel
· Floor Protectors
· Resilient
· Soft and Strong
· Outstanding Comfort
· Lightweight
· Height: 92cm; Width: 87cm; Depth: 86cm
· Weight: 12 kg

5 Year Warranty And 5 Years From Sunbrella
I don’t know how much you know about Sunbrella but the famous French textile manufacturer boasts a full 5 year warranty on the colour and we offer 5 on the durability.
There’s no need for you to take the cover in when it’s raining to be protected by this warranty, as long as you take it in during the winter. The good thing is that the cover is super lightweight and can be folded into a tiny little thing that you won’t even notice in your home. And the frame is beautiful when left alone during the winter. Covers are easy to take on and off.

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